I was really lucky that a couple of people on campus were willing to talk to me about the experiences that they had while adding random people on Facebook. Although I didn't really get to and get extra footage of people meeting which would have been good for the parts with the voice over, but I think that the pictures will work fine for the purpose I was intending. I am glad that everyone who participated was so open about what had happened and that they allowed me to put them in my documentary.
Friday, December 14, 2012
I was really lucky that a couple of people on campus were willing to talk to me about the experiences that they had while adding random people on Facebook. Although I didn't really get to and get extra footage of people meeting which would have been good for the parts with the voice over, but I think that the pictures will work fine for the purpose I was intending. I am glad that everyone who participated was so open about what had happened and that they allowed me to put them in my documentary.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Documentary Planning
I'm going to do two interviews on November 20.
I will continue to do two interviews a day until I decide that I have enough of people talking.
I will get random footage of people on Facebook, and people interacting throughout thanksgiving break.
I will continue to do two interviews a day until I decide that I have enough of people talking.
I will get random footage of people on Facebook, and people interacting throughout thanksgiving break.
Friday, November 2, 2012
So for my documentary I want to look at what decisions go into a person deciding whether or not to add a person on Facebook. I want to do this because some people just add people that they know on Facebook, and others add friends of friends or even people that they don't even know. I want to understand people's motivation in adding people they don't know, and how someone determines if they want random people on their friends list. I also want to look at if adults add friends a little more safely compared to college students and high school students. I think that high school students will be more likely to add people that they don't actually know. This documentary will show parents things about their children that they might not actually know about their Facebook friends. I am going to shoot some of the documentary at my aunts house because everyone there has a Facebook and see if they add people for different reasons. I will also shoot at my house since I know my sister just adds people she doesn't even know. I also know that she has had a bad experience when that has acutely happened. I will also shoot at dorm rooms in campus and possibly the library or other areas across campus. I will interview people from UK at different grade levels as well as people in my family that have older to determine if they add people for different reasons than college students. I will also interview some high school students to see if they are even more likely to add people they don't know compared to adults and college students. I will also look at the thought process that each age group goes through when deciding if they really want to add a person and how they differ form the other age groups. I think that as the generations get younger, there will be more people that are added as friends that the person does not know. The younger the person is the less they are worried about their own privacy. If this is the case I would hypothesis that the reason would be is they do not even know how dangerous it can be for them to just randomly add people that they do not even know. I am hoping to show people from different ages why they should be more careful on who they add as a friend. I also want people to realize that you do need to be careful with how you use your Facebook but also they need to give some people (not complete strangers) a chance on Facebook. If someone only adds people that they know then you will never meet new people. So adding people who are friends of people you actually know, it is ok for you to add them.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
So for my documentary I want to look at what decisions go into a person
deciding whether or not to add a person on Facebook. I want to do this
because some people just add people that they know on Facebook, and
others add friends of friends or even people that they don't even know.
I want to understand people's motivation in adding people they don't
know, and how someone determines if they want random people on their
friends list. I also want to look at if adults add friends a little
more safely compared to college students I am going to shoot some of the documentary at my aunts house because
everyone there has a Facebook and see if they add people for different
reasons. I will also shoot at my house since I know my sister just adds
people she doesn't even know. I will also shoot at dorm rooms in campus
and possibly the library or other areas across campus. I will interview people from UK at different grade levels as well as
people in my family that have older to determine if they add people for
different reasons than college students. I will also interview some
high school students to see if they are even more likely to add people
they don't know compared to adults and college students. I will also
look at the thought process that each age group goes through when
deciding if they really want to add a person and how they differ form
the other age groups. I think that as the generations get younger, there will be more people
that are added as friends that the person does not know. The younger
the person is the less they are worried about their own privacy. If
this is the case I would hypothesis that the reason would be is they do
not even know how dangerous it can be for them to just randomly add
people that they do not even know.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Video Games
Some of the things that what the author say I can actually agree with, but not everything. I agree that video games without words are really amazing, but games that do have cut scenes and words, can be just as amazing. When I was younger I played a lot of video games like the ones he was saying are the best, and I have to agree that if they had been very different I wouldn't like them nearly as much, but now I play both types of games, and it just depends in the game and what you are doing whether or not it needs all of the talking. A Mario game for example doesn't really need all of the talking, but if there is a game that relays heavily on the story line, it would need a lot of talking. He said that a game when a game had a story line all it did was take away from the game and show a lack of creativity from the creator. This is just not really true, a game with a story line shows a creative person just as much as a game with no story line. I think that they are actually more injoyable because I have a reason for doing whatever it is that I am supposed to be doing. He also said that if you have to actually think durning a game that also takes away from the fun of it. This may be true for some people, but for me I love to think and concentrate when playing a game. The only time I don't want to have to think is when I am watching t.v not when I'm playing a game. A game that makes me think is so much more fun, the challenges in the game are what really draw people to it. If a game is intellectually challenging and actually have really hard parts, is the most fun. If you don't have to think during a game then it just see,s like a waste of time and would be completely pointless to actually play. So although some games that have no actual story line or talking can be just as fun as a game with cut scenes and a story line, it depends not only on the game but also the person that is actually playing the game.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Thursday, October 18, 2012
2 tracks for remix essay
The beginning of this sing is really sad which will fit the mood of the first paragraph
This is the opening song we danced to in distinguished young women so it would go really good at the last paragraph while I'm talking about it.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Pat Benatar: Love is a Battlefield
This is just the beginning of the song. I thought that it was really good to show her on the bus riding away from her home.
Pat Benitar is leaving her home, and her dad yelling at her about it.
Her brother, who is really important to her, which you can tell by how it showed it.
Pat Benatar going up a dark staircase, which symbolizes her new darker life she has after she left her home.
Her doing her "job" which she has to do in a bigger city in order to survive.
Her brother again, reading a letter that she wrote him, also showing how much she cares for him.
The girls boss, trying to hit one of the girls.
Pat and the other workers all ganging up on him for trying to hurt one of them.
The main "fight" scene from the music video. Pat and the one guy dancing like they are actually fighting.
The girls out in the street, like they have finally been set free.
When all of these pictures are put together, it tells the story about a girl who leaves her home and then gets into some bad things. It also shows how she and other girls got out of it by simply "fighting" their way out.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Rough draft-recorded talk
It was my first day at Taylor county after Mannsville elementary school had been closed down. I only knew a few people in my class, which was a big adjustment to having the same twenty-five people in my class for the past three years. Everyday I would walk to class, lunch, and any other place I had to go looking at my feet while walking just to avoid eye contact with everyone. I never talked to anyone and getting called on in class was the worst thing possible. That never really change until high school when I got a Facebook and started to use it. I used Facebook as a kind of buffer to help me to learn how to talk to people, even when I couldn't actually talk to them in person. As the time went on, I learned how to talk to people face to face, which has been an amazing improvement to what I was like when I was in fourth grade.
Throughout my whole Facebook career it has helped me to learn how to talk to people and allowed me to do more things that I wouldn't have thought possible even a few years ago. It all started when I first made my Facebook account in March of 2009. It was near the end of my freshman year and I was still as shy as I was in the years before. I first started talking to people on there after I started dating my ex-boyfriend Zak. Even with him I had problems talking, it was just so hard for me to get out what I wanted to say because of how nervous I always felt. Facebook was the only way I was able to talk to him, so I allowed it to act as a buffer so I might eventually be able to talk to him face to face. We started talking there, and eventually I could even talk to him in person, even eventually to where I was able to talk to him when it was just the two of us, which I found to be much harder than talking to him with a group of our friends.
After he broke up with me, I was completely devastated and wouldn't talk to almost anyone again for a little under a month. I once again started using Facebook as a buffer to talk to people. At first it was just my family and friends. Then I started talking to people I didn't know very well again. That was when I met my current boyfriend, who I have been dating for the past three years.
Throughout these past three years since I met Ryan, I have talked to even more people on Facebook, and it has been able to do extraordinary things for me. Thanks to Facebook acting as a buffer for between me and people, I was able to be in drama my junior and senior year, which ended up being a lot of fun for me. I was also able to participate in Distinguished Young Women, August of my senior year, which was one of the most amazing things I did in school. Facebook was the main thing that helped me to come out of my shell over the past few years. If not for it, none of what I have done would have ever been possible.
Throughout my whole Facebook career it has helped me to learn how to talk to people and allowed me to do more things that I wouldn't have thought possible even a few years ago. It all started when I first made my Facebook account in March of 2009. It was near the end of my freshman year and I was still as shy as I was in the years before. I first started talking to people on there after I started dating my ex-boyfriend Zak. Even with him I had problems talking, it was just so hard for me to get out what I wanted to say because of how nervous I always felt. Facebook was the only way I was able to talk to him, so I allowed it to act as a buffer so I might eventually be able to talk to him face to face. We started talking there, and eventually I could even talk to him in person, even eventually to where I was able to talk to him when it was just the two of us, which I found to be much harder than talking to him with a group of our friends.
After he broke up with me, I was completely devastated and wouldn't talk to almost anyone again for a little under a month. I once again started using Facebook as a buffer to talk to people. At first it was just my family and friends. Then I started talking to people I didn't know very well again. That was when I met my current boyfriend, who I have been dating for the past three years.
Throughout these past three years since I met Ryan, I have talked to even more people on Facebook, and it has been able to do extraordinary things for me. Thanks to Facebook acting as a buffer for between me and people, I was able to be in drama my junior and senior year, which ended up being a lot of fun for me. I was also able to participate in Distinguished Young Women, August of my senior year, which was one of the most amazing things I did in school. Facebook was the main thing that helped me to come out of my shell over the past few years. If not for it, none of what I have done would have ever been possible.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
I See Things as I See Them
So I decided that if I was going to find a "This I believe" speech that I didn't like I needed to go to a theme that would not interest me at all. So I went to the sports section. There I actually found one that I liked because it wasn't just about sports, but the second one I clicked I didn't really connect with at all. It was written by an older professional umpire, who had a really weird way of talking. It was part of the reason that I didn't really even want to listen to it. He didn't really talk about what his title said, so I thought he went a little off topic, which just made listening to it even harder on me. He just talked a lot about a couple of different things, which was kind of hard to decipher exactly what he was trying to say. He didn't really talk about one thing that he believed in, he talked about four. I couldn't really relate to the one about baseball at all, I don't think that baseball is something that everyone loves to do, or watch.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
IPad: Better Than Technology
Attention Catcher: I won my IPad in April at a school function.
Listener Relevance Link: Everyone should have an IPad because it is a very good investment
III. Speaker Credibility: I use my IPad for various different things everyday since I got it last April
IV. Thesis Statement: IPads are amazing tools to use for a variety of different things
Preview: To show you this let me explain some amazing things that the IPad can do, like the fact that you can read books, play and download fun apps, and get on the Internet.
First Main Point: The IPad makes reading a lot easier
Listener Relevance
Subpoint: The IPad makes reading easier
Sub-Subpoint: Not as many bugs as the Kindle
Sub-Subpoint: Carry more books with less weight and less room
Subpoint: More accessible
Sub-Subpoint: Download books in less than one minute
Sub-Subpoint: Buy books from anywhere on the inter net easily
C. Subpoint:Never lose your place
1. Sub-Subpoint: Automatic bookmark even if you turn off the IPad
2. Sub-Subpoint: Don't actually have to have a bookmark or ruin the book to keep your place
Transition: Now that you know why an IPad is better than a kindle and a regular book let me tell you why it is better than a computer
II.Third Main Point The Internet is better on an IPad than on a computer
Listener Relevance Link:
A.Subpoint: Easier than using a computer
1.Sub-Subpoint: Faster to unlock an IPad than load a computer up
2.Sub-Subpoint: Easier to get to from an IPad
B.Subpoint: Faster than a computer
1.Sub-Subpoint: Internet works a lot faster on an IPad
C. Subpoint: Lighter and smaller than most computers
1. Sub-Subpoint: Easier to carry
2. Sub-Subpoint: Easier to get out of a holder
Transition: Since you can now see why the IPad is the best tool for the Internet and reading let me tell you about another cool think that it does.
III.Second Main Point: Apps
Listener Relevance Link:
A.Subpoint: Awesome games
1.Sub-Subpoint: All kinds of games all different kinds of people like to play
B.Subpoint: Easy to download
1.Sub-Subpoint: App store is easy to find
2.Sub-Subpoint: You can download them as long as you have Internet access
C. Subpoint: Good if you have spare time
1. Sub-Subpoint: Can be a way to get through long car rides
2. Sub-Subpoint: Can also be used if little kids are around and you need to keep the occupied.
Transition: IPads are obviously amazing tools that can do a lot of different things.
Restatement of Thesis: IPads are capable of doing a lot of different and cool things.
Summary of Main Points: Run better and are easier to use than real books and Kindles. Apps are fun and easy to use. The Internet is a lot easier to use and get to from an IPad instead of a computer.
III. Clincher: I hope that you know realize what a good investment an IPad can be.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Overview of Speech
I. Reading
a. Less glitchy than a Kindle
b. More accessible than an actual book
c. Never lose your place
II. Apps
a. Awesome games
b. Easy to download
c. Good if you have spare time
III. Internet
a. Easier than loading a computer
b. Faster than a computer
c. Light and smaller than a computer
I. Reading
a. Less glitchy than a Kindle
b. More accessible than an actual book
c. Never lose your place
II. Apps
a. Awesome games
b. Easy to download
c. Good if you have spare time
III. Internet
a. Easier than loading a computer
b. Faster than a computer
c. Light and smaller than a computer
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Final Essay
I don't really think of myself as
having a super big "identity" on Facebook. I mostly use it when I want people to
know that I don't just sit around and read all the time. I always think about
what I am about to post and if I am okay with what people see. I actually didn't
even want a Facebook until my boyfriend at the time convinced me to get one in
March of 2009. And that wouldn't even have been possible if Mark Zuckerberg had not created the site.
Facebook first started as thefacebook. Mark Zuckerberg created the site, which quickly spread across Harvard. It soon spread to other colleges, like Yale and Stanford. He was joined by his friends Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes, who helped him to expand the site. They soon dropped out of Harvard to try and make their site even more popular. They bought the domain Facebook.com for a supposedly $200,000. Ever since then people have been debating whether or not Facebook will be good for today's youth.
Most people think that facebook has only negative effects on people. The average number of friends for a person is about 175 people. If the person is a teenager or if their profile is really colorful, that number gets larger. This can cause a person to have problems communicating with people that they are friends with on facebook. Also, if teenagers check their facebook more than once in a fifteen minute period that they are supposed to be studying, they have lower test scores than people who didn't. But that is not the whole picture
Although facebook can have its negative effects, there are some positive ones. For someone who is extremely shy, like me, it can help for them to be able to talk to people online. This will hopefully help with their social connections in real life. It can also make some of their friends feel better about themselves. When you make a positive comment on your friends profile, it makes them feel better which helps with their self esteem. Which is part of the reason I did end up joining Facebook.
When I first joined facebook, it
was a way to talk to my boyfriend more. When we did break up, I used it to help
me cope with it. I ended up almost completely abandoning it for about one month.
The only things on my page were what my friends and family would put on there. I
only got back on when I found my current boyfriend on Myspace, and was actually
okay with seeing what my ex had decided to post. This made it a lot easier to
talk to my friends and let people know what I was doing and how I was
feeling. This was not all that I did.
On occasion I would for some reason decide to play one of the many facebook games. I would get addicted to it for about a month or so, then suddenly decide that it was stupid and not worth my time. This first started with Farmville. I would always watch my mom play it so I decided I would give it a shot. There was no point in it really but it helped to pass the time when I didn't really have a whole lot to do. The only bad thing was that once your farm got so big you couldn't really do anything unless you had gas, which cost actual money. Which I was not really willing to pay so I would go on to the next game.
There was a lot of other games I ended up playing to, Bejewled Blitz, Farkle, Cafe World, and a few others that are no longer even on Facebook, but the one that I played the longest was Gardens of Time. It was pretty much a try and find this type of game, and I was really good at it. I could get to where I could finish some levels in under five seconds! But you always had to buy things for your garden, and it required energy to be able to do one level. I got to level 24 before I decided to quite the game. It was the last Facebook that I have played.
Once I got done with my game faze,
I didn't really do a whole lot with Facebook until just recently. I would only
get on about once a week to check and see what my friends were up to, although
if it was anything really interesting my mom would always tell me about it. Sometimes I would also just see what kind of organizations my friends were liking and some of them that I also liked I would follow them as well. I
would sometimes update my status to something like "Going to Alabama to hang out
with my sister :)" or something like that but most of the time I didn't like to
put what I was doing. Every once in a while, someone would get a random shot of
me with other people and tag me in it, although I don't much take pictures they
somehow still got me in it. The only pictures I normally let anyone take is of
me with my boyfriend, but we normally only take pictures during prom so I don't
really have very many of those.

Just more recently have I allowed
more people to take my picture with them. I figured if I let them take the
picture maybe I won't look as dumb as I normally do in pictures. My friends have
been uploading pictures of me and them all together and tagging me in them. I
don't actually mind as much as I used to and now it actually looks like a I have
a social life instead of just sitting around by myself all the time. Even though I do let my friends upload stuff of me, I still won't upload any pictures of myself, I'm just too picky about what pictures I like to do that. But other
than the pictures changing I still almost never change my status. I might still
put something about how or what I'm doing but that is still pretty rare. Now I only do about one or two things while on my Facebook.
One of the main things that I do with
facebook now is just use the video chat function to talk to my boyfriend. It's
been the only thing really keeping me sane these first couple of weeks of
school. We chat about twice a day and sometimes three or four times, depending
on my schedule and how long we talk. I also I.M. some of my friends that are
still back in Taylor County, but most of the time no one is really on. I don't
really think of myself as having a very big digital life, but I guess that just
by being on facebook I have acquired somewhat of one just by the pictures that
everyone posts that I am in.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
I don't really think of myself as having a super big "identity" on facebook. I mostly use it when I want people to know that I don't just sit around and read all the time. I always think about what I am about to post and if I am okay with what people see. I actually didn't even want a facebook until my boyfriend at the time convinced me to get one in March of 2009.
Facebook first started as thefacebook. Mark Zuckerberg created the site, which quickly spread across Harvard. It soon spread to other colleges, like Yale and Stanford. He was joined by his friends Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes, who helped him to expand the site. They soon dropped out of Harvard to try and make their site even more popular. They bought the domain facebook.com for a supposedly $200,000.
Most people think that facebook has only negative effects on people. The average number of friends for a person is about 175 people. If the person is a teenager or if their profile is really colorful, that number gets larger. This can cause a person to have problems communicating with people that they are friends with on facebook. Also, if teenagers check their facebook more than once in a fifteen minute period that they are supposed to be studying, they have lower test scores than people who didn't.
Although facebook can have its negative effects, there are some positive ones. For someone who is extremely shy, like me, it can help for them to be able to talk to people online. This will hopefully help with their social connections in real life. It can also make some of their friends feel better about themselves. When you make a positive comment on your friends profile, it makes them feel better which helps with their self esteem.
When I first joined facebook, it was a way to talk to my boyfriend more. When we did break up, I used it to help me cope with it. I ended up almost completely abandoning it for about one month. The only things on my page were what my friends and family would put on there. I only got back on when I found my current boyfriend on myspace, and was actually okay with seeing what my ex had decided to post. This made it a lot easier to talk to my friends and let people know what I was doing and how I was feeling.
On occasion I would for some reason decide to play one of the many facebook games. I would get addicted to it for about a month or so, then suddenly decide that it was stupid and not worth my time. This first started with farmville. I would always watch my mom play it so I decided I would give it a shot. There was no point in it really but it helped to pass the time when I didn't really have a whole lot to do. The only bad thing was that once your farm got so big you couldn't really do anything unless you had gas, which cost actual money.
There was a lot of other games I ended up playing to, bejewled blitz, farkle, cafe world, and a few others that are no longer even on facebook, but the one that I played the longest was Gardens of Time. It was pretty much a try and find this type of game, and I was really good at it. I could get to where I could finish some levels in under five seconds! But you always had to buy things for your garden, and it required energy to be able to do one level. I got to level 24 before I decided to quite the game. It was the last facebook that I have played.
Once I got done with my game faze, I didn't really do a whole lot with facebook until just recently. I would only get on about once a week to check and see what my friends were up to, although if it was anything really interesting my mom would always tell me about it. I would sometimes update my status to something like "Going to Alabama to hang out with my sister :)" or something like that but most of the time I didn't like to put what I was doing. Every once in a while, someone would get a random shot of me with other people and tag me in it, although I don't much take pictures they somehow still got me in it. The only pictures I normally let anyone take is of me with my boyfriend, but we normally only take pictures during prom so I don't really have very many of those.
Facebook first started as thefacebook. Mark Zuckerberg created the site, which quickly spread across Harvard. It soon spread to other colleges, like Yale and Stanford. He was joined by his friends Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes, who helped him to expand the site. They soon dropped out of Harvard to try and make their site even more popular. They bought the domain facebook.com for a supposedly $200,000.
Most people think that facebook has only negative effects on people. The average number of friends for a person is about 175 people. If the person is a teenager or if their profile is really colorful, that number gets larger. This can cause a person to have problems communicating with people that they are friends with on facebook. Also, if teenagers check their facebook more than once in a fifteen minute period that they are supposed to be studying, they have lower test scores than people who didn't.
Although facebook can have its negative effects, there are some positive ones. For someone who is extremely shy, like me, it can help for them to be able to talk to people online. This will hopefully help with their social connections in real life. It can also make some of their friends feel better about themselves. When you make a positive comment on your friends profile, it makes them feel better which helps with their self esteem.
On occasion I would for some reason decide to play one of the many facebook games. I would get addicted to it for about a month or so, then suddenly decide that it was stupid and not worth my time. This first started with farmville. I would always watch my mom play it so I decided I would give it a shot. There was no point in it really but it helped to pass the time when I didn't really have a whole lot to do. The only bad thing was that once your farm got so big you couldn't really do anything unless you had gas, which cost actual money.
There was a lot of other games I ended up playing to, bejewled blitz, farkle, cafe world, and a few others that are no longer even on facebook, but the one that I played the longest was Gardens of Time. It was pretty much a try and find this type of game, and I was really good at it. I could get to where I could finish some levels in under five seconds! But you always had to buy things for your garden, and it required energy to be able to do one level. I got to level 24 before I decided to quite the game. It was the last facebook that I have played.
Once I got done with my game faze, I didn't really do a whole lot with facebook until just recently. I would only get on about once a week to check and see what my friends were up to, although if it was anything really interesting my mom would always tell me about it. I would sometimes update my status to something like "Going to Alabama to hang out with my sister :)" or something like that but most of the time I didn't like to put what I was doing. Every once in a while, someone would get a random shot of me with other people and tag me in it, although I don't much take pictures they somehow still got me in it. The only pictures I normally let anyone take is of me with my boyfriend, but we normally only take pictures during prom so I don't really have very many of those.

Just more recently have I allowed more people to take my picture with them. I figured if I let them take the picture maybe I won't look as dumb as I normally do in pictures. My friends have been uploading pictures of me and them all together and tagging me in them. I don't actually mind as much as I used to and now it actually looks like a I have a social life instead of just sitting around by myself all the time. But other than the pictures changing I still almost never change my status. I might still put something about how or what I'm doing but that is still pretty rare.
The main thing that I do with facebook now is just use the video chat function to talk to my boyfriend. It's been the only thing really keeping me sane these first couple of weeks of school. We chat about twice a day and sometimes three or four times, depending on my schedule and how long we talk. I also I.M. some of my friends that are still back in Taylor County, but most of the time no one is really on. I don't really think of myself as having a very big digital life, but I guess that just by being on facebook I have acquired somewhat of one just by the pictures that everyone posts that I am in.
Is Google Making us Stupid
No, google is not making us stupid, we are doing that ourselves by allowing ourselves to be easily distracted. If we would just mute the computer while we are trying to read something none of the noises from the computer can really distract us and the ads are just colorful, if you can't concentrate on the black and white words that your own fault not really google's fault. Plus the fact that someone is having a hard time reading like they used to might just be because they are less interested in what they are reading compared to what they used to.
I know this because I use google all the time. I use it to look up random facts, the definitions of words in things that I'm reading, and to do research whenever I have a paper due for a class. I am actually reading better than ever with the help of google. I now know the meaning to more words and can actually concentrate on things that I'm reading on the computer a lot easier. This may just be because I have a little harder time reading things than most people, but I don't think that is the case.
I think that people just want instant gratification when they are reading. Instead of reading a long article, they choose to just scrim the first couple of paragraphs. This is not going to help them with anything. Google is not trying to make us stupider, it is trying to help us become smarter, by reading what other people think and allowing us to analyze the things we read, but instead people are trying to just skim and not getting the full educational benefits of what the author is really trying to say.
I know this because I use google all the time. I use it to look up random facts, the definitions of words in things that I'm reading, and to do research whenever I have a paper due for a class. I am actually reading better than ever with the help of google. I now know the meaning to more words and can actually concentrate on things that I'm reading on the computer a lot easier. This may just be because I have a little harder time reading things than most people, but I don't think that is the case.
I think that people just want instant gratification when they are reading. Instead of reading a long article, they choose to just scrim the first couple of paragraphs. This is not going to help them with anything. Google is not trying to make us stupider, it is trying to help us become smarter, by reading what other people think and allowing us to analyze the things we read, but instead people are trying to just skim and not getting the full educational benefits of what the author is really trying to say.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
The Rhetorical Situation
First off I want to say that the author was very helpful for me to understand exactly what rhetoric. He also explained what exactly he meant by a rhetorical situation. Although some things at the beginning were kind of hard to understand once it was at the end he had explained some of the things a lot better so the beginning did not seem so difficult to grasp. One of the things that he did that helped the reader to understand exactly what he was saying was giving a specific example that almost everyone would know about, like when he was talking about how the Gettysburg address would not be a rhetoric if it was given today just because the response would not be appropriate for today's time, but was very appropriate when it was given. He also gave less known about examples like the one about the fishermen in the story, it may be more well known then I think but I've never heard of it.
When he first gave the definition of a rhetorical situation I didn't really get exactly what he was saying. After reading the whole thing I think I understand it a lot better. What he was trying to say was that a rhetorical situation can only arise when their is an urgency for a real situation that can only be changed by discourse and has an audience that can be changed. I think that if he had put the definition like that then it would have been a lot easier to understand and more people would have gotten what exactly he was trying to explain.
Even though his definition is a little hard to explain he does a very good job at explaining himself. I think that the way he started the essay was very interesting. It allows the reader to kind of understand what he is going to try and explain in the essay without coming out and saying it, which would have made the paper a lot shorter than what it was. He also does a very good job of explaining each part of a rhetorical situation.
When he first gave the definition of a rhetorical situation I didn't really get exactly what he was saying. After reading the whole thing I think I understand it a lot better. What he was trying to say was that a rhetorical situation can only arise when their is an urgency for a real situation that can only be changed by discourse and has an audience that can be changed. I think that if he had put the definition like that then it would have been a lot easier to understand and more people would have gotten what exactly he was trying to explain.
Even though his definition is a little hard to explain he does a very good job at explaining himself. I think that the way he started the essay was very interesting. It allows the reader to kind of understand what he is going to try and explain in the essay without coming out and saying it, which would have made the paper a lot shorter than what it was. He also does a very good job of explaining each part of a rhetorical situation.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
"Facebook Effects on Society." www.avoidfacebook.com. Company Web Design, 28 04 2011. Web. 4 Sep 2012. <http://www.avoidfacebook.com/2011/04/28/facebook-effect-on-society/>.
Yadav, Sid. "Facebook – The Complete Biography." mashable.com. Mashable, Inc., 25 08 2006. Web. 4 Sep 2012. <http://mashable.com/2006/08/25/facebook-profile/>.
. "Effects of Facebook on Teenagers: Positive and Negative." hubpages.com. HubPages Inc., n.d. Web. 4 Sep 2012. <http://ktrapp.hubpages.com/hub/Teens-and-Facebook>.
"5 Ways Facebook Impacts Student Life ." www.geeksugar.com. Sugar Inc., 27 04 2011. Web. 4 Sep 2012. <http://www.geeksugar.com/How-Facebook-Affects-Students-16071979>.
"The Social Impact of Facebook in 2011." www.thehalsreport.com. The Hals Report , 20 01 2011. Web. 4 Sep 2012. <http://www.thehalsreport.com/2011/01/the-social-impact-of-facebook-in-2011/.>
"Facebook Effects on Society." www.avoidfacebook.com. Company Web Design, 28 04 2011. Web. 4 Sep 2012. <http://www.avoidfacebook.com/2011/04/28/facebook-effect-on-society/>.
Yadav, Sid. "Facebook – The Complete Biography." mashable.com. Mashable, Inc., 25 08 2006. Web. 4 Sep 2012. <http://mashable.com/2006/08/25/facebook-profile/>.
. "Effects of Facebook on Teenagers: Positive and Negative." hubpages.com. HubPages Inc., n.d. Web. 4 Sep 2012. <http://ktrapp.hubpages.com/hub/Teens-and-Facebook>.
"5 Ways Facebook Impacts Student Life ." www.geeksugar.com. Sugar Inc., 27 04 2011. Web. 4 Sep 2012. <http://www.geeksugar.com/How-Facebook-Affects-Students-16071979>.
"The Social Impact of Facebook in 2011." www.thehalsreport.com. The Hals Report , 20 01 2011. Web. 4 Sep 2012. <http://www.thehalsreport.com/2011/01/the-social-impact-of-facebook-in-2011/.>
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Amusing Ourselves to Death
So what we have been talking about in class relates more of how Huxley was saying that what we love will eventually ruin us. People love to watch reality t.v. but it keeps making us more and more apathetic. This is true in a way as well as Orwell's point that what we hate will ruin us. I think that if things continue the way they are going either one is possible, which is kinda scary but true. No one wants to talk about the things that are really important in our society and other countries. Plus everyone wants to sit in front of a computer or t.v all day and watch trash that shouldn't even be on t.v since all it is doing is teaching the youngest generation that all morals can just be thrown out of the window.
The author had a good idea posting this as a web comic instead of an article or something like that. The web comic allows more people to understand exactly what it is the author is writing about by having writing and pictures to help the reader along. It also makes more people likely to read it. Most people don't enjoy reading long articles on the Internet, at least I know that I don't, but web comics are short and are more eye catching that some black page with black and white words all over it.
The author had a good idea posting this as a web comic instead of an article or something like that. The web comic allows more people to understand exactly what it is the author is writing about by having writing and pictures to help the reader along. It also makes more people likely to read it. Most people don't enjoy reading long articles on the Internet, at least I know that I don't, but web comics are short and are more eye catching that some black page with black and white words all over it.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Honey Boo Boo Child
I think that the reason Albom is linking the t.v show Here Comes Honey Boo Boo and Tony Scott's death because both should horrify people, maybe not to the same dagree but still. The show should be appaled by everyone and no one should want to see someone commiting suicide let alone put the video on youtube. I agree that it is impossible to get rid of this kind of thing unless you show no intrest. I also agree that no little gril should be so promiscuous at that young of an age. I do think that reality t.v is making us apathetic. We don't really care about other people like we should. No one should be able to watch someone die without feeling some kind of sadness, and no one should even want to watch this. If this trend continues we are eventually going to not feel anything for anyone else but our self and people we are close to, which will cause our nation die because we won't be able to deal with any of the real problems we will just be caring about ourselves.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Reality T.V
I have never been really into reality t.v. All of the shows just seem to repeat themselves over and over. I can watch maybe on season of certain shows such as American Idle and Big Brother, but others such as Jersey Shore and The Bachelor just seem uninteresting and silly. That's why the only time I ever even watch any reality t.v shows is when my mom watches them and I am in the living room. Most of the time I don't even watch it then I just listen to it while I play solitaire on my iPad. So reality t.v has never had a huge effect on my life. I have noticed that it does have a major effect on society. People act differently just because they think that they might possibly get on t.v. They try to be people that they are not just so the population will find them more interesting. Some sixteen year old girls would try to get pregnant to just to be on sixteen and pregnant. Other people get drunk and act slutty while in a competition show just so they can maybe win money or get to the next week instead of trying to use their skill. As a society we condone these behaviors because we find them more interesting, making others think that acting like this in real life is OK, not something that should be avoided. We idolize people who should be ignored and we ignore the people that deserve our attention and we should listen to because they have amazing ideas. We would also rather watch someone make a fool of themselves then watch a debate between the two people that are going speak for our country for the next four years. This has caused our society to not care what is going on politically just what is happening on their favorite reality show. We care more about watching someone get drunk and sleep with some random person than to find out what is happening in other contries that can cause thousands of people to die everyday. Not to mention that the majority of reality television is probably not even reality. It is just directors trying to make their show more entertaining, which sometimes it is but it is causing a downfall in our socity.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Hi, I'm Jessie and I like to read, watch T.V. and play video games in my spare time. Some of my favorite books that I read are mostly horror stories by Stephin King who is my absolute favorite author, but I also like almost anything that is fiction. I live in Campbellsville, Kentucky, which is pretty much the center of Kentucky. Yeah that's pretty much it, so yeah, bye.
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