Sunday, August 26, 2012

Reality T.V

I have never been really into reality t.v. All of the shows just seem to repeat themselves over and over. I can watch maybe on season of certain shows such as American Idle and Big Brother, but others such as Jersey Shore and The Bachelor just seem uninteresting and silly. That's why the only time I ever even watch any reality t.v shows is when my mom watches them and I am in the living room. Most of the time I don't even watch it then I just listen to it while I play solitaire on my iPad. So reality t.v has never had a huge effect on my life. I have noticed that it does have a major effect on society. People act differently just because they think that they might possibly get on t.v. They try to be people that they are not just so the population will find them more interesting. Some sixteen year old girls would try to get pregnant to just to be on sixteen and pregnant. Other people get drunk and act slutty while in a competition show just so they can maybe win money or get to the next week instead of trying to use their skill. As a society we condone these behaviors because we find them more interesting, making others think that acting like this in real life is OK, not something that should be avoided. We idolize people who should be ignored and we ignore the people that deserve our attention and we should listen to because they have amazing ideas. We would also rather watch someone make a fool of themselves then watch a debate between the two people that are going speak for our country for the next four years. This has caused our society to not care what is going on politically just what is happening on their favorite reality show. We care more about watching someone get drunk and sleep with some random person than to find out what is happening in other contries that can cause thousands of people to die everyday. Not to mention that the majority of reality television is probably not even reality. It is just directors trying to make their show more entertaining, which sometimes it is but it is causing a downfall in our socity.

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