Tuesday, September 18, 2012

IPad: Better Than Technology


I. Attention Catcher: I won my IPad in April at a school function.

II. Listener Relevance Link: Everyone should have an IPad because it is a very good investment

III. Speaker Credibility: I use my IPad for various different things everyday since I got it last April

IV. Thesis Statement: IPads are amazing tools to use for a variety of different things

V. Preview: To show you this let me explain some amazing things that the IPad can do, like the fact that you can read books, play and download fun apps, and get on the Internet.

I. First Main Point: The IPad makes reading a lot easier

Listener Relevance Link:
A. Subpoint: The IPad makes reading easier

1. Sub-Subpoint: Not as many bugs as the Kindle

2. Sub-Subpoint: Carry more books with less weight and less room

B. Subpoint: More accessible

1. Sub-Subpoint: Download books in less than one minute

2. Sub-Subpoint: Buy books from anywhere on the inter net easily
C. Subpoint:Never lose your place
1. Sub-Subpoint: Automatic bookmark even if you turn off the IPad
2. Sub-Subpoint: Don't actually have to have a bookmark or ruin the book to keep your place
Transition: Now that you know why an IPad is better than a kindle and a regular book let me tell you why it is better than a computer

II.Third Main Point The Internet is better on an IPad than on a computer

Listener Relevance Link:

A.Subpoint: Easier than using a computer

1.Sub-Subpoint: Faster to unlock an IPad than load a computer up

2.Sub-Subpoint: Easier to get to from an IPad

B.Subpoint: Faster than a computer

1.Sub-Subpoint: Internet works a lot faster on an IPad
C. Subpoint: Lighter and smaller than most computers
1. Sub-Subpoint: Easier to carry
2. Sub-Subpoint: Easier to get out of a holder
Transition: Since you can now see why the IPad is the best tool for the Internet and reading let me tell you about another cool think that it does.

III.Second Main Point: Apps

Listener Relevance Link:

A.Subpoint: Awesome games

1.Sub-Subpoint: All kinds of games all different kinds of people like to play

B.Subpoint: Easy to download

1.Sub-Subpoint: App store is easy to find

2.Sub-Subpoint: You can download them as long as you have Internet access
C. Subpoint: Good if you have spare time
1. Sub-Subpoint: Can be a way to get through long car rides
2. Sub-Subpoint: Can also be used if little kids are around and you need to keep the occupied.
Transition: IPads are obviously amazing tools that can do a lot of different things.


I. Restatement of Thesis: IPads are capable of doing a lot of different and cool things.

II. Summary of Main Points: Run better and are easier to use than real books and Kindles. Apps are fun and easy to use. The Internet is a lot easier to use and get to from an IPad instead of a computer.

III. Clincher: I hope that you know realize what a good investment an IPad can be.

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